Holy Gospel Readings & Sermons.

Easter Sunday - The Resurrection of our Lord
Easter Sunday - The Resurrection of our Lord
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
John 20: 1-18
Choir Performances by St. John Lutheran Choir

Good Friday Service
Good Friday Service - Tenebrae Vespers
Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
Mark 8: 31-33
Mark 9: 30-32
Mark 10: 32-34
Choir Performance by St. John Lutheran Choir

Maundy Thursday Service
Maundy Thursday Service
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
John 13: 1-17, 31-35
Choir Performance by St. John Lutheran Choir

Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion
Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
John 12: 12-33

Fifth Midweek of Lent
Fifth Midweek of Lent
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
John 7: 28-39

Fifth Sunday in Lent
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
John 11: 1-45

Fourth Midweek of Lent
Fourth Midweek of Lent
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
John 6: 32-37

Fourth Sunday in Lent
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
John 9: 1-7, 13-17, 34-39
Children’s Message by Pastor Mark Lund

Third Midweek of Lent
Third Midweek of Lent
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
John 8: 12-18

Third Sunday in Lent
Third Sunday in Lent
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
John 4: 5-26

Midweek of Second Week of Lent
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
“Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
-John 3: 1-8

Second Sunday of Lent
Second Sunday of Lent -
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
-John 3: 1-17

Ash Wednesday Service
Ash Wednesday Service -Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
Matthew 11: 20-30

First Sunday of Lent
First Sunday of Lent
-Holy Gospel Reading, Children’s Message & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
-Matthew 4: 1-11

The Transfiguration of the Lord
The Transfiguration of the Lord
-Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
Matthew 17: 1-9

The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
-Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
Matthew 5: 21-37

The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
-Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
Matthew 5: 13-20

Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
Matthew 5: 1-12

Third Sunday after the Epiphany
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
Matthew 4: 12-25

Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
John 1: 29-42

Baptism of our Lord, First Sunday after the Epiphany
Baptism of our Lord, First Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Gospel Reading, Children’s Message & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
Matthew 3: 13-17

The Circumcision and Name of Jesus - New Year's Day
The Circumcision and Name of Jesus - New Year’s Day
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
Luke 2: 21
Choir Members performance

Christmas Day Service
Christmas Day Service
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
John 1: 1-18
Choir Performance by members of St. John Lutheran Choir

Christmas Eve Service: Children's Program
Christmas Eve Service: Children’s Program
-Pastor Mark Lund
-Children’s Program Director: Emily Bjoraker

Fourth Sunday in Advent
Fourth Sunday in Advent
-Holy Gospel Reading, Children’s Message & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
Matthew 1: 18-25

Third Midweek of Advent
Third Midweek of Advent
-Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
Matthew 22: 41-46

Third Sunday of Advent
Third Sunday in Advent
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
Matthew 11: 2-15

Second Midweek of Advent
Second Midweek of Advent
Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
Luke 3: 1-9

Second Sunday of Advent
Second Sunday of Advent
-Holy Gospel Reading & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
Matthew 3: 1-12
Children’s Program - Choir Performance

First Midweek of Advent
First Midweek of Advent
Holy Gospel Readings & Sermon by Pastor Mark Lund
Matthew 5: 17-26